What Quizzing meant to me
My name is Kolin McKelvey and I was a part of the central district bible quizzing program for nine years. Bible quizzing started for me in fourth grade with me wanting to be involved with the program that all of the cool kids in church were in. After a few years, quizzing became one of the largest and most rewarding commitments in my life. I knew memorizing hundreds of verses every year, despite admittedly placing a lot of them in short term memory, would be a strong bedrock foundation for my Christian faith. I am graduating from college this year, moving to a new state, and getting married. While I do not memorize scripture nearly to the scale I did during bible quizzing, the verses, the discipline, and the reliance on scripture remain core tenants of my effort to glorify Christ and make Him known in every area of my life.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and a special thank you to our hosts, Lana and Angela, for leading our first webinar on November 27. The recording of the webinar is now posted for viewing at anytime.
If you are interested in hosting a webinar or have a topic you would like to see hosted, please reach out to the CQLT with any ideas or to volunteer.
DISTRICT REGISTRATIONDistrict registration is due December 31, 2022. The fee will be $8/quizzer and is used to facilitate CQLT and Alliance support throughout the year. Registration is required for participation in IBQ 2023. Checks can be sent to:
The Alliance
One Alliance Place Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Please mark your checks with “Alliance Bible Quizzing” and address the envelope to Attn: Alliance Youth
IBQ UpdatesThe announcement for a location for IBQ 2023 is coming soon! We will post an update to the website and email everyone on our lists as soon as the final details are done.
CQLT MEetingThe CQLT will be meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022. If you would like the CQLT to discuss a specific item, please email us at [email protected]
A Quizzer's Story
I’m a pastor in the North Central District of the C&MA (Minnesota and Eastern Dakotas). Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to share about Bible Quizzing for a few minutes during our District and Prayer Conference, the annual gathering of the pastors and church leaders in our District. I shared about the essential need for people to know what God’s word says and how God used Bible Quizzing as a vehicle for His word to get into my life and for His Spirit to draw me to trust in Jesus and to transform me. I shared that Bible Quizzing is the most effective vehicle that I know of for motivating young people to memorize huge amounts of God’s word, so they come to know what God’s word says and can be transformed by the Spirit working through the word.
After I shared, one of the pastors came up to me and shared that a quizzer whose family has been attending his church approached him after a service to let him know that he had prayed to receive Christ that Sunday. Later that day, a hospital chaplain in our District who quizzed at Internationals in the 1970s (one of Greg Larson’s teammates) shared with me how transformational Bible Quizzing was in his life. He also has two brothers who are pastors of Alliance churches in the North Central District. A third pastor, who pastors one of the Ethiopian churches in our District, shared with me that one of the former quizzers from his church had recently responded to God’s call to serve Him in ministry. In many ways Bible Quizzing is a quiet ministry. It’s not flashy. It’s a foundation-building ministry. It is slow; its work happens in many small groups with many ordinary disciples discipling these small groups of young people week-by-week in the word. Its work happens as students spend hours in the Scriptures on their own. Its fruit is seen in the deep and long-term and continual transformation that God in Christ produces in us by His Spirit through His word. The stories that were shared with me over just a 24 hour period at my District Conference demonstrate the power of the word of God to effect salvation and to produce lasting and multiplying fruit in the lives of people – and how incredibly special it is for that foundation to be laid in one’s childhood and youth (2 Timothy 3:14-17). How wonderfully blessed we are – whether as quizzers or as adult leaders and supporters – to be a part of this ministry that is being used by God to quietly and faithfully lay the foundation for the multiplication of life transformation. November WEbinar
Join us on November 27, for a webinar hosted by Angela and Lana from CMD. They will be talking about the value of the clubs, how they use them and how they reward quizzers. They will also talk about quiz weekends, what they do and why.
Use the signup form below to register for the webinar today! Rule Book Update
There’s a lot of great discussion happening on the Rulebook on our GitHub project site, and we would love for you who care about C&MA Bible Quizzing to be a part of the action – or at least to grab some popcorn and read the rules discussion that are of interest to you. Now, maybe you say, “I’m sorry, but you lost me at GitHub. I’m not a techie kind of person.” No problem. If you have an email account or Facebook or just use the Internet once in a while, then you already have all the skills you need to get on GitHub and to see every rules issue being discussed and to share your input if you’d like. Below is a link to the “Issues” that are currently in discussion
The beauty of the current process that was implemented this past year is that the Rulebook change process is now open to whole quizzing community to be able to see it and to be able to give meaningful and visible input into it. Jeremy Swingle has put together a tutorial video to help people learn how to be a part of the Rulebook discussion and to see how the Rulebook change process works. You can view that by clicking on the button below. If, after following the above links, you’re still having trouble accessing the Rulebook discussion, please send an email to the CQLT. We will be glad to help you get set up! District Registration
District registration is due December 31, 2022. The fee will be $8/quizzer and is used to facilitate CQLT and Alliance support throughout the year. Registration is required for participation in IBQ 2023.
Internationals Update
The announcement for a location for IBQ 2023 is coming soon! We will post an update to the website and email everyone on our lists as soon as the final details are done.
CQLT Update
As of November 2022, the CQLT has decided to hold meetings on the 2nd Monday of every even numbered month. This will allow districts to have an expectation of when the CQLT will meet to discuss updates and more.
Districts are invited to send an email to the CQLT at any time to request specific items be discussed or to request to present to the CQLT on a particular topic. Minutes are posted to this website up to two weeks after the meeting. The CQLT's last meeting was on October 22 & 24, 2022. Canadian National Canadian teams from CMD, WCD, and CCD gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in July for a Nationals tournament. The quizzing was close, with all three districts having quizzers in the top 5. WCD ended up in first place, with a three person team! Congratulations to all involved. Online Jumping Practice TooLTed Tower from Western Great Lakes has developed a self-study tool to help quizzers improve their jump and gain confidence with jumping before the full question is read. It is called “JumpJock”, and can be found, along with a variety of other resources, by clicking the button below. District RegistratioNDistrict registration is due December 31, 2022. The fee will be $8/quizzer and is used to facilitate CQLT and Alliance support throughout the year. Registration is required for participation in IBQ 2023. Online Webinars Beginning in October, the CQLT will be facilitating online quizzing webinars with experienced coaches and leaders in our community. Stay tuned for details! If you would like to be included in this next webinar, please email [email protected]. CQLT Update The CQLT will be having our fall meeting online in October. We will be sending out a draft agenda in advance, please email [email protected] with any topics we should add to the agenda.
And That's A Wrap!The 2021-2022 Bible Quizzing has officially ended and soon (or even already) quizzers and coaches will be getting into the details of the 2022-2023 season as we begin to study Acts. But with a new season comes a ton of updates and even more innovative ideas. One of these ideas is this blog page! But more on that later. Internationals 2022IBQ 2022 was a wonderful week with tons of fellowship time after the quizzes each night during our social times. Between spikeball tournaments in hot pink sweatpants to heading to Valleyfair Amusement Park, the quizzers (and coaches) made many lifetime memories each night. One student brought a drone and was able to get some aerial footage and pictures of the participants and I am looking forward to seeing his finished work. The quizzers also enjoyed playing a game that I have never seen before called Donut Baseball. They would ask each other questions from the material and correct answers would earn the quizzer a right to try and catch a donut hole in their mouth tossed from the pitcher. In the end we Central, WPA, and PNW in the championship quizzes with Central taking two firsts back-to-back. The quizzing was great and the other two districts gave them a good challenge, but Central’s team kept great focus and just did what they have been practicing. This year’s quizzer of Excellence Award was given to a quizzer from ECD. Matthieu was a great quizzer both stat wise, but also in his sportsmanship. He always thanked all the officials in every room after every quiz and was always encouraging to any quizzer around him. The placement awards are always fun to hand out, but the Quizzer and Coaches of Excellence awards are the ones I look forward to the most. CQLT Updates 2022This year Josh Jetto who was willing to let his name stand for another term and Nick Furlan from ECD will be joining the CQLT for the 2022/2023 - 2025/2026 term. With only two eligible nominees, the election this year was canceled, and an appointment was made instead. It is never too early to start talking about the next election for the CQLT. If you are someone you know might be interested in joining the CQLT at the end of the 2023 IBQ tournament, please start those dialogs now instead of later. Financial UpdatesScott Wakeley, Alliance Youth Director, has been working hard on creating a comprehensive update on our finances. You can view his report and update by clicking the button below. Official Rule Book: 2022 VersionThe rule book committee presented the CQLT with several proposed changes to the rule book. The CQLT voted to accept these proposals and merge them into the official rule book effective July 23, 2022. These changes include mostly grammatical changes, but it is best to read the full list of changes by clicking the button below. This is just the beginning! We are looking forward to sharing with you some of our new ideas to help districts grow their programs and to help develop leaders. Be on the lookout for emails and new blog posts as we roll out these new initiatives! AuthorZachary Tinker Accessing the 2022 Question Database for ActsThe question database for Acts 2022-2023 is live and ready to be used!
The first file is the local set, which can be accessed by anyone running quiz practices, so it doesn't need to be protected. The second file is the CQLT-provided district set, which should only be accessed by district coordinators. If you are a district coordinator and do not have the password to access the database, please email the CQLT at [email protected] The local set contains 50% of the questions in the overall set. The district set contains those same 50% plus an additional 25% for a total of 75% of the overall set. Held back (i.e. not included in this spreadsheet) are 25% more questions which will be used at IBQ. The question sets have been distributed to Bible Quiz Shop, CBQZ, and Acme for use in their quiz generation programs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. |