Welcome to Great Lakes District Bible Quizzing!
The Great Lakes District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is comprised of the lower peninsula of Michigan and Northwestern Ohio, and we are crazy about Bible Quizzing!
What's Bible Quizzing? To the casual observer, Bible quizzing is a sport in which three teams match knowledge, jumping speed, memory, and quickness of response against one another on a designated portion of Scripture. But it is actually so much more! Quizzing has changed the life of so many teens from across the world. From the districts in the United States and Canada, to the quizzing districts in the Dominican Republic and Jordan, Bible Quizzing has and continues to be a fantastic ministry that claims God's promise that "No word of God will return empty." That truth has held true for thousands of years, and will do so thousands more!
What's Bible Quizzing? To the casual observer, Bible quizzing is a sport in which three teams match knowledge, jumping speed, memory, and quickness of response against one another on a designated portion of Scripture. But it is actually so much more! Quizzing has changed the life of so many teens from across the world. From the districts in the United States and Canada, to the quizzing districts in the Dominican Republic and Jordan, Bible Quizzing has and continues to be a fantastic ministry that claims God's promise that "No word of God will return empty." That truth has held true for thousands of years, and will do so thousands more!
Interested in learning more?
We would love to sit down with you and talk about quizzing and how you can get involved. Our district leadership team will do our best to answer any questions you might have. You can contact us by emailing us at [email protected]
Resources for Coaches
Meet Location Schedule
Quiz Schedule
Individual Stats
Team Stats
District Responsibilities
Location Coordinator: TBD
For questions regarding the meet schedule, please contact the meet coordinator.
For questions regarding the meet schedule, please contact the meet coordinator.
OctoberOctober 10, 2020 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. NOVEMBERNovember 14, 2020 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. DECEMBERDecember 12, 2020 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. JANUARYJanuary 9, 2021 | 9:15 am | TBA
FebruaryFebruary 13, 2021 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. MARCHMarch 13, 2021 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. APRILApril 10, 2021 | 10:00 am | TBA
Optional lunch at 12:30. Must notify host church if you will not be staying. MAYMay 1, 2021 | 9:15 am | TBA
Contact: Zachary Tinker
Contact: Patty Parmelee
Contact: Heather Frantz
Contact: Andrea Zell
Contact: Jessica Daniel
Quiz Schedule Coordinator: Zachary Tinker
For questions regarding the quiz schedule, please contact the quiz schedule coordinator.
For questions regarding the quiz schedule, please contact the quiz schedule coordinator.
2020 Great Lakes Teams
Riverwood |
First Alliance |
Westgate 1 |
Westgate 2 |
Christian Fellowship 1 |
Christian Fellowship 2 |
Christian Fellowship 3 |
Christian Fellowship 4 |
Christian Fellowship 5 |
Bedford Nazarene |
This schedule was made using 10 teams, and is subject to change.
District Statistician: Josiah Leinbach
For questions regarding individual stats, please contact the district statistician.
For questions regarding individual stats, please contact the district statistician.
District Statistician: Josiah Leinbach
For questions regarding team stats, please contact the district statistician.
For questions regarding team stats, please contact the district statistician.
District Coordinator: Ryan Becker
District Treasurer: TBD
Location Coordinator: TBD
Quiz Schedule Coordinator: Zachary Tinker
Officials Coordinator: TBD
District Statistician: Josiah Leinbach
District Treasurer: TBD
Location Coordinator: TBD
Quiz Schedule Coordinator: Zachary Tinker
Officials Coordinator: TBD
District Statistician: Josiah Leinbach