What Quizzing meant to me
My name is Kolin McKelvey and I was a part of the central district bible quizzing program for nine years. Bible quizzing started for me in fourth grade with me wanting to be involved with the program that all of the cool kids in church were in. After a few years, quizzing became one of the largest and most rewarding commitments in my life. I knew memorizing hundreds of verses every year, despite admittedly placing a lot of them in short term memory, would be a strong bedrock foundation for my Christian faith. I am graduating from college this year, moving to a new state, and getting married. While I do not memorize scripture nearly to the scale I did during bible quizzing, the verses, the discipline, and the reliance on scripture remain core tenants of my effort to glorify Christ and make Him known in every area of my life.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and a special thank you to our hosts, Lana and Angela, for leading our first webinar on November 27. The recording of the webinar is now posted for viewing at anytime.
If you are interested in hosting a webinar or have a topic you would like to see hosted, please reach out to the CQLT with any ideas or to volunteer.
DISTRICT REGISTRATIONDistrict registration is due December 31, 2022. The fee will be $8/quizzer and is used to facilitate CQLT and Alliance support throughout the year. Registration is required for participation in IBQ 2023. Checks can be sent to:
The Alliance
One Alliance Place Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Please mark your checks with “Alliance Bible Quizzing” and address the envelope to Attn: Alliance Youth
IBQ UpdatesThe announcement for a location for IBQ 2023 is coming soon! We will post an update to the website and email everyone on our lists as soon as the final details are done.
CQLT MEetingThe CQLT will be meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022. If you would like the CQLT to discuss a specific item, please email us at [email protected]
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